


在一个完美的世界, you would start saving for retirement with your very first paycheck and keep at it until the day you left your job some 40 years later. 但并不是每个人都能坚持工作.  不幸的是,并不是每个人都能坚持存钱. Sometimes life steps in with job losses and unexpected illnesses that sidetrack our 目标s. 的 good news is that it’s never too late to get started on or build up your retirement savings.

如果你20多岁, 30s, 或者40多岁(甚至50多岁),还没有开始为退休储蓄, 现在是时候了. 的 sooner you begin putting money away, the larger your bucket will grow.


和很多事情一样,这要看情况而定. A good rule of thumb 是 save 15% of your income – 20% if you can swing it – which includes any matching retirement funds from your employer. 的re are also a series of benchmarks aimed at helping people figure out whether or not they are on track for retirement.  富达投资集团, 例如, 建议在30岁之前, 你应该把收入的1倍存起来以备退休之用. 40倍,3倍. 比50,6倍. 比60,8倍. 退休后是10倍. Do this and you’ll typically be able to replace about 80% of your pre-retirement income for a period of 30 years. 当然,并不是每个人都能按时达到这些目标——或者永远都不能.  

退休保障预测模型 shows that 40% of people aged 35 to 64 risk not having enough to meet their retirement expenses.  类似地, 全国退休风险指数, produced by the Center for 退休 Research at Boston College shows 50% of the population won’t have enough to maintain their current lifestyle in retirement. 然而,, “退休生活可能比你的正常工作生活要便宜得多,Annamaria Lusardi说, Professor of Economics and Accountancy at 的 George Washington University School of Business. “你可能不再需要供养你的孩子, you might not need two cars for the household anymore if both of you aren’t working and you can even cut costs by moving into a smaller home.” 

这一点? 一种方式不适合所有人. Here are some guidelines for figuring out whether you are saving enough. 
记住,这是 你的 退休

你希望你的退休生活是什么样的? If you haven’t asked that question, with your spouse or partner if you have one, it’s time. 只有当你想到它的时候,你才能开始为它定价. Because that’s when you’ll answer the questions about things like where you’ll live (in your big family home or a smaller one that will allow you to sock some of that prior home equity into savings), 你是否会工作(像许多退休人员一样), 如果你搬家(并因此降低你的税收).

你什么时候退休的问题也同样重要. 你工作的时间越长, the more time your retirement savings have to grow and the fewer number of years you’ll have to rely on that stash to fund your lifestyle. 一旦你得到了这些问题的答案, sit down with pen and paper (or a spreadsheet if you’re so inclined) and start adding up the amount you’ll need to live. 如果你正在挣扎,坐下来和财务顾问谈谈会有所帮助.

Once you’ve got a sense of the numbers, you can begin working on how to get there. 从社会保障开始. 你估计每月的开支中有多少是这笔钱? (If you don’t know what you’re expecting from Social 安全 you can get your estimate at许多人从62岁开始领取养老金, but waiting means more money every month; for every year you delay taking benefits from 62 until 70 you’ll receive an increase of about 8%. 这帮了大忙. Subtract that from the amount you estimate you’ll need to live each month. 然后考虑你是否会收到养老金.

尽管大多数的美国人.S. 许多军人家庭和教师不再有养老金. If you have a pension, subtract your pension income from your monthly needs as well. What remains is the amount you’ll want to cover with retirement savings. “基于4%的安全提款规则, 100万美元的投资组合可以创造40美元,年收入6000万元,大卫·利特尔说, professor of retirement income at 的 American College of Financial Services. 你可能需要更多. 但你也可能需要更少.

有几十个 工具和指南 to help you figure out if you’ll have enough money to cover your basics. 一个免费的(而且很优秀的)在线退休计划工具是 AARP退休计算器. It takes you through a step-by-step questionnaire that accounts for Social 安全 and other potential income sources (like proceeds from the sale of real estate and inheritances).

Use it to get a detailed chart of your income sources over time and identify potential gaps. 的 calculator allows you to make a variety of adjustments to see how you can help improve your odds of not outliving your money.

如果DIY计划让你感到紧张, it might be worth the cost of paying a fee-based Certified Financial Planner (CFP) to help you create a customized roadmap and implement suitable strategies. (这是 在你雇佣理财师之前,有五个问题需要问他们.)

最后, as you mull over these questions of how much you’ll need in retirement, 你还需要确保你的资产能够帮助你实现目标. In other words, they’re invested in a way that lines up with your risk tolerance and time horizon. 你的 investment portfolio should be diversified, made up of a mix of stocks and bonds. Exactly how much of each depends on how long you have until retirement and how much risk you can withstand. 如果你还有很多年的时间, 你可以冒更大的风险, which means your portfolio may be more heavily weighted toward stocks and other high-growth asset classes. (A target-date retirement fund is a one-and-done solution that can help keep your mix in check.)

但你也应该考虑寻求一些帮助. A financial planner can help you create a road map to your future that takes your short and long-term 目标s into consideration. 的y can also help you keep emotions in check when the markets tank, and get you back on course when you need to change your finances to keep up with your changing life.